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🎨 in 31 October 1541,  Buonarroti finished his epic fresco "The Last Judgement" in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. It had taken more than four years to complete.

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Ciao a tutti!😊 time for me to say goodnight to all of you!😘💖
I am just so excited for tomorrow trick or treat and
Pyjamas party with my friends!😃😁😍💖
I hope you guys Enjoy your Halloween as well!☺️🥰🖤
I love all of you!😘🫂💖
Have a sweet dreams!☁️🌈💖

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~Luca Signorelli
Cappella di San Brizio, Duomo di Orvieto
~San Michele pesa le anime

Il cappello alato come Mercurio, l'arcangelo Michele ha sulla bilancia un'anima pia, in alto, e un'anima dannata.
Buona serata, caro Alberto 🌙😇

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“La mente
e più grande del cielo.
Perché se li metti
fianco a fianco,
l'una contiene l'altro.
e te anche.”
Emily Dickinson

🖌️charles dwyer

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Una buonanotte gotica,
adatta ad un quasi Halloween,
ma non sognate streghe e vampiri!
Le rovine sono anche romantiche...

Sebastian Pether 1790 -1844

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