ESPECIALLY when doing a close up of a character!!

Reuse backgrounds, too!
One of my fave comics "The Sprawl" by @/TheSprawlComic is a master class comic creator, and his comics are a language in of itself.

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Oh I got this, homie
I LOVE video game screenshots and styles, but I use all kinds of things! Those just happen to be my main.
No Man's Sky is a HUGE inspiration to the stuff I draw, and I love drawing from it and 70's scifi in general.

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If there's a camp that insists you *must* have backgrounds in every panel, I sure as heck haven't encountered it (even though I follow this in my own comic for aesthetic and symbolic purposes). The goal is to make the setting clear.

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Hello! My name is Kasey Quevedo and I've made video games most of my career, but my big love is sequential art. You can find my work on my site- , here, or Instagram- kasey.quevedo

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