Same game with Maribelle 💖

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Del tema del OC colectivo ha salido Maribel, una tigresa presa súper maja que practica aikido, vuela y se aplica siempre el lema de, imitando a Maria Isabel (ídola), "Antes muerta que sencilla" 🌸

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various fankid requests i drew up!
from left to right:
maribelle/gaius, felicia/hinata, sumia/maribelle, lukas/tatiana

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I finally finished colouring Maribelle! Hope you guys like it, cause it took me ages. Can't wait to draw the next character in hoof shoes.

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Breaking Boundaries: Usami Renko and Maribel Hearn

I could draw these two forever. they are the best :D

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≋ N E W S ≋

刺繍ブランド「DANIELA MARIBEL」の撮影を担当しました❕

NYLON JAPAN「kaela’s gallery」で木村カエラさんとのコラボやLOTTE「Fit’s」のCMで衣装を手がけたブランドです≋



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Random fact: Maribel’s name comes from these two characters

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本日のBGM。GOING UNDER GROUND「かよわきエナジー2018〜」。TAMARIBAで購入。少し早く聴ける優越感。😊疲れた時、寝る前に聴けるアコースティックなサウンド。ハワイアンな♪カール、とジャマイカンな♪ショートバケーション、がオススメ!そして今の素生さんの声で聴けるのが最大のメリット!👍

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1/28(日)HP会員限定イベント「TAMARIBA in 東京 新年会&成人式」にて再録盤アルバム「かよわきエナジー 2018~forevergreen~」の先行販売が決定しました!

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Artwork of Zendaya done by (themaribug) on instagram

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lissabelle sketch!! concerned wife maribelle and christmas lissa

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I drew Maribelle, just imagining her in Fire Emblem Heroes

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Who knew lightning would struck twice? Which one did you prefer? RT for (vs Moscow), LIKE for (vs Maribor)

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I barely ever draw her but MARIBELLE IS ONE OF MY FAVES love that ohime-sama aesthetic

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