//=time() ?>
글섭 후부키 개조 완료.
솔직히 후부키도 우리동네 후부키가 외모 원탑인데
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#후부키 #吹雪
“Our smiths cannot melt it…out warships cannot dent it…the finest smiths cannot forge weapons to scratch it!!”
Kaiser is tired and frustrated... all because of a piece of metal!
Based on a fic a friend wrote on Discord of this jerk!
#anthro #anthroart #original
Dear Admirals:
We are scheduled to perform a 2-hour server maintenance on 2019-11-20 11:00 (UTC+9). After the maintenance, the Mini Friends quest lines will be waiting for you, check below for details!
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#쿠마노 #熊野
On this day in 1861, the United States risks war with Great Britain as a boarding party from an American warship removes Confederate diplomats from the Royal Mail Ship Trent. London responds by sending troops to Canada. For more, click: https://t.co/onhPjWUgDE
추기경 마망~♡
브륫 브류류류류륫 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#리슐리외 #Richelieu
@SenileSnake You might do better with KanColle where the warships are anime waifus.
E6 夜戦 room
평소에는 구축함만 때리면서 이럴때는 꼭 항공모함만 때린다
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
@serinzKOR @aceticacid_kun 최종귀축전함 메릴랜드
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#메릴랜드 #Maryland
Dear Admirals:
Yes, we are now preparing for Operation Husky, but it’s also Halloween, and it won’t hurt to celebrate a little before we marched into the battlefield, right? Check below for the details of the fiesta!
"The Russian Navy is Reborn", Speculative Russian Navy Ships envisioned by US Naval Architects, LIFE Magazine, Dec 17, 1945. [2033x1398] from /u/AspireAgain at #WarshipPorn ➡ https://t.co/vjnXj9Dwch
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#아야나미 #綾波
みんなもこの圧倒的スチームパンク感とハロウィンオバケ感楽しめるWorld of Warshipsとかいうゲーム遊ぼうな。
솔직히 모가미 3인방 중에서 우리 모가밍이 미모 원탑인데 팬아트 수는 제일 적어...
#전함소녀 #戦艦少女R #WarshipGirls
#모가미 #最上