画質 高画質

"Villainy wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as virtue."Ichabod Crane- SLEEPY HOLLOW, released OTD in 1999

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1626, St. Peter's Basilica in is consecrated. Robert Sayer, 1774. https://t.co/CS6WkUMi2t

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Born in 1584 was Flemish painter, Rubens' follower Gaspar de Crayer
Martyrdom of St. Pieter
Oil on paper

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"Whatever you do... don't fall asleep."Nancy- A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET, released OTD in 1984.

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"You bring the pizza.. I'll bring the drill."THE SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE, released OTD in 1982.

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Tom Wolfe in his signature white suit 1998 https://t.co/a8mKUncjXx

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HAXAN: WITCHCRAFT THROUGH THE AGES premiered in Copenhagen, Denmark OTD in 1922.

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"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...& I'm all out of bubblegum." Nada-THEY LIVE, released OTD IN 1988

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Nov 1, 1935: Chinese Premier Wang Jingwei seriously injured in assassination attempt. y

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Couldn't have done it without them. Observer Corps established

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The Great Bela Lugosi was born OTD in 1882 in what was then Austria-Hungary.

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J.van Ruisdael landscape, now , hung in show open 19 Oct.1956 http://t.co/zP8Dqik7Ge

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THE BLACK SCORPION starring Mara Corday was released OTD in 1957.

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Some of the films of Edward D. Wood Jr. who was born OTD in 1924.

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"Laocoön" from appeared in El Greco retrospective opened 7 Oct. 2003

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James Dean in the Porche he would die in OTD in 1955.

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Rodolfo Guzman Huerta aka El Santo, was born OTD in 1917.

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Anne Francis seen here with Robby the Robot in Publicity shots for FORBIDDEN PLANET(1956) was born OTD in 1930(RIP).

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Funny man Richard Pryor takes the stage 1999 http://t.co/nDcT8qKwdu

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