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‘I regret to report that Submarine H5 having failed to return from patrol'. This is a sonar image of an H5 submarine sunk off the coast of recorded by & as part of a project researching U-boat wrecks

10 17

OK, I just had a brilliant idea. If Hasbro does a repaint of the Airstrike Patrol as the Star Saber, some third party should make a Sonar that comes with an energized blade. That way you have a full sword with or without Hasbro's product.

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Day two continues: Star Wars and the Civil War. This talking bear is mistaken for a mountain man a lot. Nobody can pronounce is name except Don. So they just call him Griz!

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Ferd como Jair Bolsonaro
os dois são os mais odiados

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Yogee New Waves、新曲「Summer of Love」10月10日に配信限定リリース決定。明日9/26のJ-WAVE「SONAR MUISC」で初オンエア - https://t.co/xORxrRF8ks

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Another one on the go celebrating the movement of the sea

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All right fans here’s to a new season. Let’s get that win! I’ll repost on Sunday. Lets have a great season!

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Esfaquearam o Bolsonaro e eu tô só esse meme

3 11

"Aigis, ready for combat."
🍞New Aigis.
🍞New to character and verse!
🍞Not new to RP.
RT? I would appreciate it!

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Em quem você votaria???



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On Now, Lance Laber talks about famed Arizona artist Ted DeGrazia and the upcoming new 'DeGrazia's Desert Dwellings' art exhibit! Listen Now / Later Here: https://t.co/bQ9QKVVOgC

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Me he pegado hasta las tantas de la noche, escuchando hevy metal y bandas sonaras de juegos de miedo, para crear mosntruos, os apeteceria un directo con la misma tematica?

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I recently had the pleasure of recreating a logo for

Before on the left, after on the right :)

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Re:sonare「IMAGINE PHOTOGRAPHER」(2011年)「IMAGINE PHEASANT」(2012年) ミニアルバム2枚。疾走感ある曲、ジャジーな雰囲気の曲、意外にもヘヴィロックな曲、ピアノ主流のバラードなど幅広い。イチオシは「“空飛ぶアリス”にて」。残念ながら本作で活動終了みたいで、バンドって難しいなあ。

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