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The Shame Garden. From imagination. This was done with ink, inktense pencils and colour pencils in a Strathmore Mixed Media sketchbook (half a page 7.75” x 9.75”).

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Bison. Did a contour drawing in ink and filled in with inktense pencils before resuspending the pigment with water and a brush. My contour drawing looks more like a calf than an adult bison! Thank you to pixabay for the inspiring picture. This was done with ink and …

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‘In Flight’ My new bird painting using Inktense paint. I love creating these images of birds and also fish. https://t.co/zKOSofh8Ii Framed and ready to hang

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Blub 2. This is the second goldfish contour drawing. I used inktense pencils to add colour to that one. This was done with Inktense pencils and ink in a Stillman & Birn Delta sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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NOT just a rubber ducky - ok? I love ducks. They make me smile. They always seem so happy and free. Their loyalty to each other is touching. This was done with ink, inktense and coloured pencils in a Strathmore Mixed Media sketchbook (portion of 7.75” x 9.75”).

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While preparing workshops I've been playing around with different materials. Here you see laser print on 90gm copy paper coloured: using pencils; second one using watercolour pencils for kids. The difference is huge as w… https://t.co/X1Ihk83tO1

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Live drawing demo from Frankfurt Germany of Apollo Lunar Module - Lunar Excursion Module created on 18x24 inch watercolor paper and Derwent Inktense blocks.

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Entry 2221 | Sally Ellis
🎨3 Homegrown Raspberries
Acrylic, ink and inktense pencils, finished with cold wax on cradled wooden panel.
, facebook: sallyellisart

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Afternoon flowers. Used Derwent Inktense to sketch and fill in. A brush liner for line work. I really could not judge values before resuspending the ink from the pencils. Maybe it just takes practice to predict what you’ll get… Thank you to cottonbro studio for th…

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My very first attempt at sketching horses in my 7” x 5” sketchbook. Fude pen and Derwent Inktense watercolour. I saw these two in a field next to one of our regular lakeside walks.

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Another recent pet portrait, loved working on this one! Mixed media: pen, watercolours and Inktense paints 👩🏻‍🎨

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Curmudgeon Chicken. Thank you to Rachel Vine .vine96 for the inspiring picture from Pexels. This was done with inktense pencils (#derwent) in an ivory toned (Delta) Stillman and Birn sketchbook (5.5” x 8”).

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