Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Kids! **BURP** is gonna be in the house!

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The Flash himself, John Wesley Shipp, at Sept 30 & Oct 1.

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The demon-slaying badass that is the Rhode Warrior! An Altered Reality Comics Character.

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Me and have decided one day we'll do a comicon weekend of all our faves from our old tv shows we used to watch and I am pumped

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I will be in Bristol,TN at Rob-Con 2017 this weekend. Be sure to come out and say hello!

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How did you guys like the trailer? We are huge fans and will let you turn the game upside down.

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Finished the cover design for my upcoming colouring book! They'll be available at Forest City Comicon!

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Starting a new painting at (booth 5556)--a Viking battle scene.

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I was hopin' to have Chibi Arcade Riven done in time for but it looks like she will be completed afterwards ;_;

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7/23(日) Artmade

10/15(日) 大阪in南港ATC

12/24(日) 京都Winter

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アニメイトアバンティ京都店 様
アークオアシス京都駅前店 様
ヴィレッジヴァンガード イオンモール京都店 様


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らしんばん大阪日本橋店 様
らしんばん京都店 様
らしんばんアバンティ京都店 様
喜久屋書店漫画館 様


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The Quest Event at Cityscape print material from Comicon this year w updated & kickass mage

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Ill be at montreal comicon! Heres one of the prints ill be selling! 😊

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Off to Niagara Comicon o_o the fear is kicking in riiight..meow.

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