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Suggestion Sketch 35, looks like Yunaka has been captured o.o. Im still experimenting with the coloring u.u
Yunaka from Fire Emblem
My personal game of the year is Fire Emblem: Engage. I just had so much fun playing it. I love the characters, the emblem shenanigans, and even the story xD https://t.co/ATpBInxBnH
I know this isn't how bows work but this is what I imagine Leikuara, my Fire Emblem campaign character, does on a Nat 20 with her bow.
Also I feel like I'm getting better at drawing fullbodies idk 👀
#DnD #FireEmblem #tabletop #characterart #characterdesign #ttrpg
Happy Birthday once again to @orbiculare
Here is another Tiki Fire Emblem! #FEヒーローズ
ナポレオン戦争 斉射後に前進するハイランダーとそれを迎え撃つフランス擲弾兵
Napoleonic Wars: Highlanders advancing after volley fire and French grenadiers attacking them.
This is pretty much how Apocalypse works, by raining down fire and brimstone of Keyblades.
Touhou : Lizard Mode Chiyari
The purple fire parasite.
Hii I will be at #AnimeImpulseOC2023 at table AZ12! Aaaall the way out in the boonies, so please come say hi 😆 Behold my (mostly fire emblem lmao) catalog!
今日はさっちゃん【#fire_breath1 】に遊んでもらってきた🙌🥰
@kaixymenes dion but he had the eikon of fire, phys and mukbang instead
WIP - Female Robin & Male Morgan
Didn't think I'll draw fire emblem again.....