Win a badge or keychain of your favourite Follow me, and comment your answer to the question: "How many eeveelutions are there?" Not counting You must be able to retrieve your gift at on booth P684 ! 1 winner! Ends July 4 at 6pm in Paris

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L'anime III s'offre un nouveau visuel de promotion avant le début de sa diffusion le 10 juillet prochain au Japon !

La semaine se termine... Il est bientôt l'heure de profiter de notre dernier week-end avant !

À la semaine prochaine. 😊

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I’m going to France!
☀︎July 5-8 (I'll participate on July 6 and 8, please note)
☀︎Exhibition Hall in Paris · Nordville Punt
【Hall 5A C-156】

I will participate as a member of "Team WARAI"
Everyone in France, thank you very much☺️

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"Miku dé Nihongo"
vente à la JEP du 5 au 8 juillet 2018
Stand n ° J205: JPT FRANCE

Sale at Japan Expo in Paris, July 5-8, 2018 Booth No.J205 : JPT FRANCE

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The two mangaka cousins ​​Reno Lemaire and Romain Lemaire unveil you in drawing show their talents on the Kuri stage with ! 🎨

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My catalogue for Japan Expo ! Come find me at in Hall6 N681

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Here is the list of objects that will be on sale on my booth (N701) at Japan Expo! ✨

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🎮 Yasunori NISHIKI (compositeur) et Masashi TAKAHASHI (producteur) seront présents sur notre stand pour une démo live d'#OCTOPATHTRAVELER vendredi 6 juillet à 13h00 !
✏ Ne manquez pas non plus leur séance de dédicaces le même jour à 13h30 !

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Here's a new character I loved drawing ❤️ I have other sketches of her I'd show later :) anyway she will be available in print A6 for Japan Expo if you're interested 😉

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Do you have the soul of an artist and like to draw? Meet the famous mecha-designer Hidetaka TENJIN at masterclass on Thursday! 🎨

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Que vous veniez à en cosplay de Magical Girl ou non, vous pourrez rencontrer les auteurs de 4LIFE, et !
Dédicaces :
> Jeudi 5/07 10h-12h / 16h-18h
> Vendredi 6/07 10h-13h
> Samedi 7/07 13h-15h / 16h-18h
> Dimanche 8/07 (Seulement Vinhnyu) 15h-18h

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Discover "Mitsumekaeshite", my first original illustrations & sketches artbook at

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/!\ OPENING COMMISSONS for !!! /!\

Please help me pay all the supplies and stuff for the con TwT
These are more far detailed than the ones I do during convention.
35€ + supp if more chara, or if you want masking tape / sparkles finish !
> DM me for details <

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The big three in Paris 2018. The XM Hulkbuster 1/4 Statue, XM Hulk Transformation 1/4 Statue and the XM Predator 1/3 Statue.

Paris 2018 - English :

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Manga à venir pour Dans un univers féerique et steampunk, l'aventure d'un garçon rêveur et d'une fille ailée amnésique: Beyond the Clouds - la Fillette tombée du ciel

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The booths of Saiko space will pamper you this year! You will find many products and goodies from Japanese pop culture ✨

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