一ノ瀬志希 SSR+👗


model: おれちゃん
photo: okada
studio: クロスタ

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What I'm currently reading that's being released here now (but might've been released 200 years ago in Japan)
Again!! by Mitsurou Kubo
Delicious in Dungeon by Ryoko Kui
O Maidens in Your Savage Season by Mari Okada & Nao Emoto
Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama

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Shoya and Ariel share the same voice actor, Miyu Irino!

He also voiced the lead of another popular Mari Okada anime. Can you name who? Here's a hint: 🌸🌸🌸

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Today LENA’S SLIPPERS is out into the world! (I really hope your little ones will like it. 😊)Thank you , , and for making it happen!

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A book that made me laugh out loud! A story that lets readers explore the decisions authors and illustrators make when putting a story together! Thanks for the read!

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"At night as I was going to sleep, I would think I really want to do it my way.” - Mari Okada, who not only wrote and directed Maquia, but also storyboarded! This scene is one of the few she took into her own hands when told that something wouldn't work.

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This was a big hit . I connect to the whole "boss baby" and the "middle of the night meetings." We loved this humorous book and the way the baby was so "funny."

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I added and 's Where Are You From? to my 2019 BOOKS I LOVE presentation: https://t.co/i9cs2rOtWH

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The Little Guys Loved this story about these little guys who can do anything. Power in numbers!

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The Undefeated. illus What a powerful read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Projeté en septembre dernier dans le cadre du Paris Loves Anime, le magnifique long métrage MAQUIA : WHEN THE PROMISED FLOWER BLOOMS de Mari OKADA arrive en DVD / Blu-ray chez avec un doublage français inédit 🇫🇷

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