“American kids won’t understand/relate to this story” was the response I got several times while querying I hope that now, more students will learn to empathize with those who have less, while those kids who are struggling will be inspired to not give up.

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When I was still working on Lena’s Slippers, I was told that the readers here won’t understand how could a store lack the most basic of goods. This kind of deja vu is unreal.

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I would be immensely grateful if this holiday season you’d consider giving as a gift to a little dancer in your life. Thank you! 🧡🌼#picturebooks

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Dear and getting ready for a new school year,
I hope you’ll consider adding to your lists. Maybe Lena will inspire some kids to and follow their even when their family cannot afford much.
Thank you! 💛

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Today LENA’S SLIPPERS is out into the world! (I really hope your little ones will like it. 😊)Thank you , , and for making it happen!

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