Can you hear me now? researchers name new fossil w/ high-frequency hearing

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Researchers create printed muscles using electroactive polymer

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1 PSG is a society of seabird researchers, managers & students from 21 countries

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Autism’s history holds lessons for today’s researchers: by art by

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Researchers have identified 19 types of smile! RT to your friends and tell them why they're so amazing! x

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Researchers highlight brain region as ‘ground zero’ of Alzheimer’s disease

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| A cool, little bird-a one day old sage grouse for National Bird Day. Researchers in Idaho tagged …

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UCLA researchers create exceptionally strong and lightweight new metal

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Nvidia teams up with Stanford researchers for better VR tech

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As the Wytham reaches completion, pots arrive for loading from researchers & volunteer potters.

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Spanish researchers studying a statue of Prince Intefmose, whose tomb they recently discovered!

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Researchers find ways to automate the insertion of needles... with a robot

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just watched beautiful balance of history, science & story! Shout out to you researchers! ^sb

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ICYMI: Researchers Struggle to Explain Anime Time Dilation

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3D Printed Smart Cardiac Catheters Being Developed by EU Researchers and Materialise -

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“the most important thing we do as researchers is to grow people” Prof. Anita Maguire

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