Well that was an interesting challenge! Here’s my take on the that I did as a warm-up today. - Part photo and part painting in my style. 😅

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Ich mach auch mit! Und ich hab nicht einmal dabei gespeichert... YOLO!!

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didnt dare the buuuuuut I drew a Portrait of my own

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Tried doing the and may have to give a full portrait a shot soon 😊

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Since everyone is doing it, i may as well do it.
Though I've never seen anyone do it with a mirror selfie but fuck it

(also the pic is kinda old but i wanted to do it with this one)

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yo también quería hacer eso de pero no se me da tan bien el arte digital como a mis compas así que he tirado de papel cebolla 😔🤟

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I saw this challenge and couldn't resist because it's so fun!

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I'm going to be doing 3 of these :)
So if you want me to draw you in this style DM me and I'll pick the 3 randomly :) 💜👍🏽

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So I redid my cuz I didn’t rlly take my time the first time lol plus this is a selfie I rlly like, even tho it’s a little older.

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Рисовать себя странно :D

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