288 of 365: When your brother is an idiot, but he’s your idiot. Finals are finally over, time to give my best Tuffnut victory cry!

19 65

287 of 365: The royal couple: A nubby boi and his round gorl. 💙💚

32 138

286 of 365: “Alright Mr. Bossy. I’m going, I’m going!”

17 77

284 of 365: Okay but the Light Fury is really fun to draw. :3

16 64

283 of 365: “Not to say I don’t know the plan, cuz I do. But in case someone else wasn’t paying attention- unlike me, cuz I totally heard everything- I think going over it again would be helpful for said person. Who definitely isn’t me, cuz I know the plan.”

15 85

280 of 365: “Ya feeling it yet? Huh? Picking up on all of my heartfelt remorse?”

37 144

278 of 365: I know Changewings are supposed to be hecka hostile, but he just wants to help!

22 125

277 of 365: A yellow baby Zippleback because baby Zipplebacks are known to be one of the most cutest dragon babies ever and that’s just facts.

17 111

276 of 365: “Everything we know about you guys, is wrong.”

13 93

273 of 365: Preparing to take the leap!

23 136

269 of 365: Dragon pals! I wonder how Stormfly will feel about that Light Fury taking away her best dragon buddy like that lol. But maybe later she’ll be happy for him. :)

18 80

267 of 365: Ruffnut has a lot of hair.

16 68

266 of 365: Hood or helmet.. Only Snotlout would try and pull off both of them.

12 69

Hi I´ve drawn my son for his birthday 💕I love him with all my heart ;;

5 8

265 of 365: Gruff the Hobblegrunt is a very good boy.

14 67

264 of 365: The Flightmare really be THAT dragon. That fresh outta the Hidden World type baddie.

23 120