Já leu o manisfesto de 1990? ou prefere ficar lendo materias assim?

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New digital painting I just finished! This time of Edward Scissorhands with hand wings. Love how this turned out! Just in time for the holiday season! Enjoy my Ghouls!

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"My ballsy art" is a new collection.
I have everything - manifesto, motto, dropping strategy! Now i need you, collector! (for fem version visit :)


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⚫︎書名(イタリア版) : L‘Arte del Manifesto Giapponese

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As the adage goes:

Something old,
Something new,
Festooned with guns,
And something blue 💝

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These group of unique paint drawings offers a manifesto on the human experience that I have chosen to express through my personal visual diary!

70 TEZ

It has been a while, but we’re finally here! My first solo listed NFTs as a contemporary artist.


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