Consiste em um golpe ágil e preciso da palma do usuário no corpo do oponente

A técnica envia chakra no alvo para atordoá-lo, ou até mesmo causar ferimentos internos no mesmo, assim como outras técnicas que envolvem o Punho Suave

0 4

Vi una publicacion donde "justificaban" la actitud de bakugo comparandola con DIO
Es decir que cuando este atacaba a jonathan por sentirse inferior o esas cosas, y yo solo digo WHAT??
Estamos hablando de un niño qie aspira ser heroe y otro un lunatico que mato un perro

4 98

Uma coisa que vcs precisam saber sobre o CLAN COROA BRANCA e que a maioria desse CLAN despreza e abomina todos que são inferiores a eles🔱🔱🔱🔱

0 10

Presenting 's Destiny's Edge 2021 edition featuring: Ghost mom, Uncle Trombone, Rytlock's boyfriend, Inferior dragon champion and of course Choya!

43 321

🔸️Mejiro Palmer

One of the daughters of the Mejiro family. Friendly and welcoming, Palmer is like a big sister to her peers. Very pleasant to talk to and has many friends. She often feels inferior to her relatives in terms of skills, and seeks to find her own strength.

5 24

If your mech doesn't have a Lion for a Chest, then it's already inferior to peak designs

5 24

Admeto, destinato a una morte prematura perché colpito dall’ira di Artemide,ottiene di ritardare la propria morte, se un’altra persona scenderà agli inferi al posto suo. Non il padre né la madre, ma Alcesti morirà per lui,divenendo così il più alto esempio dell’amore coniugale.

14 33

Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius

12 101

Hola si es un oc y eso se llama Dirlazz

Texto inferior

2 10

Speaking English is not your obligation and having a different accent does not make it inferior. That's why she's shy to speak the language, damn people.
We love Jisoo with the intensity of a thousand SUNS!!!🥺

0 1

At first, Vasilyev was somewhat inferior technically 2 the Barbizon painters, critics agree that he eventually found his own way of handling the subject. After a Rain & Country Road exceed in many respects the Barbizon stormy scenes in their expressiveness & deeply national sound

3 10

Can we go back to the family friendly Nintendo days?
What's that? They never existed and this meme format exists solely to show Playstation and Xbox elitists that Nintendo can do Resident Evil and Gears of War type shit on inferior hardware too?
Yknow, that, makes a lot of sense.

0 2

so this is the first big dramatic noa reveal... his attempt to reveal kaiba's inferiority and reveal he was never meant to succeed at all...

0 0

Here’s the finished pages for a Mother Panic short that I worked on. I think these were the last inferiors i’ve done. Colors by the always amazing Jean-Francois Beaulieu . Scope my instagram to see the Thumbnails too!

2 34

Reminder: Your feelings are valid. You are NOT inferior.
You are smart. You are kind. You are beautiful.
And I am proud of you for everything you have done and everything I know you will accomplish in the future. ❤️❤️❤️

1 3

[DEADROCK inferiority]



12 24

A reminder from your friendly neighborhood Innovades that plastic "nubs" or "runners" should not be ingested and can be hazardous to your health.

You are not a

You're a low-level human proving your inferiority to us higher beings.

3 14

When you read these racist captions, you’re led to believe Native Americans are somehow inherently inferior. That’s the perspective Americans wanted people to have. This perception still exists unfortunately. In reality, these Osage women were three of the richest women in the US

43 167

jubatus: un pequeño dinosaurio compsognátido del Cretácico Inferior (115 Maños) del NE de Brasil. Este dinosario destaca por sus plumas, preservadas en el fósil: una serie de plumas largas en el lomo y otras 4 más largas que partían de los hombros

0 2

37.Jamie(Left) and 38.Ian(Right)

-Technically Twin brothers. Ian was created using Jamie's DNA.

-Ian is extremely envious of his brother. He has an inferiority complex because of it. He even changed his name (Jamian-> Ian)

-Ian is more powerful, but Jamie has more abilities.

3 41