My cartoon in today's

Scott Morrison blasts NZ's response to the Delta Variant.

As one tweet mentioned, nothing like forging a country together than saying we can't do something! Especially when it's coming from

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A week behind on books, so only just read Superman/Authority Morrison’s writing has an infectious glee here that spills out of the plot and dialogue. At the halfway point it still feels a bit unfocused though, so hopefully the latter half brings it together

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Recien concluida por , en la trilogía de Tierra Uno Grant Morrison y proponen una atractiva revision de las raíces feministas del personaje conforme al mundo más rabiosamente actual. Mi repaso en :

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A while back I had the opportunity to do some guest designs for World of Orrison. Thanks for letting me draw sparkle eels to fuel my IRL sparkle-fish habit

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New X-Men the art here by John Paul Leon and bill sienkiewicz is beautiful and the plot is simple yet emotionally resonate. Great issue. High point of this run.

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New X-Men it's the Xorn issue, from Grant Morrison, John Paul Leon, Bill Sienkiewicz, Hi-Fi Design, and Comicraft.

Insight into the way of the man with a star for a brain, dealing with monsters and mayhem in Mutant Town.

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from and my OC are frenemies 😤🔪 (actually friends, enemies & lovers 😏)
Forced myself to try something a little different with my style, esp. the faces, and I'm pretty satisfied ❤️

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Marvel Knights Double Shot hey, this was amusing! also kind of thematically in keeping with the ff book…things aren’t what they seem!

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Years back, DC had a coup of getting the Kubert boys back from Marvel. Andy did some Batman with Morrison and Adam did, for me, a remarkable run on Superman. Teamed with Dave Stewart, Johns and Donner, we get a Superman 78 sequel of sorts. Beautiful, heartfelt work. Recommended

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"Nick's World..." in Marvel Knights Double Shot from Grant Morrison, Manuel Gutierrez, Avalon's Jeromy Cox, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Wes Abbott delivers a short tale taking the piss out of an undercover agent trying to impersonate Fury.

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Fantastic Four 1 2 3 4 Another great looking issue, and also the one in which the mystery of what’s going on with Doom falls away, leaving us to wonder how Reed has been responding this whole time. Love how this is structured.

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Namor makes his move on Sue. Johnny flames out. Mole Man machinations and more! In Fantastic Four 1234 from Grant Morrison, Jae Lee, José Villarrubia, and Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Wes Abbott.

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느림보님께 맡긴 프랭크 커미션 저만 볼 수 없다~~! 잘생기고 귀엽고 깜찍한 프랭크 보고 가세요☺💕

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Why didn't PM Scott Morrison rescue the Afghan workers who supported our troops in Afghanistan? Perhaps he thinks they will serve a more helpful role if they try to get here by boat. Brilliant insightful commentary from . 😏

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Fantastic Four 1 2 3 4 As if last issue wasn’t good-looking, this one somehow gets even moodier, splitting scenes between a hovering wine glass at an invisible dinner, a medical ward, and human torch lighting the night.

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