So far, five out of the nine members of The RokuNin have been colored. I might get to the remaining four... if I find/make good enough art for them.

12 56

I like to think Kodai & Ty'Ron are the Chaotic Idiot Duo when they start going steady...

6 31

"Bucho Mio... these birthday treats are really something! Keep em coming, folks!"

13 62

"Ain't nothing wrong with a good ol' pint of beer every now and again, right?"

12 81

"God Ryu, you're so fat, jiggly, and warm! I just love it!"
"Please don't, Futoru... My heart feels like it's gonna explode..."

28 166

While I'm drawing my new OC, have some Chubbydorf on this

22 72

I've been having Rotund Reaper on my mind lately...

7 47

Wow, this old pic of Chunky Winston is really giving me Prof Makigumo vibes. Maybe Prof Makigumo really is a human Chunky Winston...

8 51

"The fuck?! Did I bust another chair?! But I only had two medium pizzas and three extra large milkshakes! I wasn't even that hungry!"

If that's the case, I'd hate to see you when you're hungry Fat Boy...

19 123

I like to think that Kodai is secretly jealous of Ty'Ron's belly, mostly due to the fact that it's softer due to the fur and thus more approachable in comparison to Kodai's smooth belly.

7 68


3 18

Lately, as you can see, I've been redrawing my much older OCs. Wonder which OC I should redraw next?

4 25

Felt like redrawing my original OC, Tora Nojima, along with drawing up his two alternate forms: Azure Dragon & Crimson Tiger. He's still the light/dark wielding snarky bisexual we know and love, though!

17 68

I was just reminded about someone who made a comment about Prof Makigumo and how he looks like a human Winston.

I can kinda see it, I guess...

16 82

Bitch, are you aware of WHO one of my anime spirit animals is?

1 16

"Fuck... I'm getting so fat that it's starting to throw out my back! Why does Futoru insist on spoiling me like this?!"

19 129

Here's a new pic of Poburo the Crystal Breaker, now in four variants! Try to guess what they are!

12 39

Can you imagine these two idiots working together?

5 40

Remember when I said that I had a batch of characters that were for my take on the animated family sitcom? Well, here they are! Ladies and gentlemen, meet the Farbecco family!

16 62