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How a network engineer gets the kids ready for school...

898 539

Drawn some of these once in a while. Did some reverse engineering to come up with a new method of coloring.

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We're way closer than you think to engineering the planet's climate:

13 11

Engineers in every class.

195 136

digital symmetrical art, photoshop engineered http://t.co/RIrKzshXca

1 3

You should never use the term "it's gone viral" with a genetic engineer ... New comic! http://t.co/SX0b8N8yM3

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Leaf engineer enjoys a break -

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Lovely paper engineering in 'Under the Ocean' by Anouck Boisrobert & Louis Rigaud.

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Matt Shlian:The Unconventional Artist and Paper Engineer http://t.co/ffvwFIfKKr

7 10

Hell with Barbie. Julie shows you that you can be a computer engineer!

22 20

Nitori, the Aquatic Engineer, has been beautifully illustrated by http://t.co/XFe1jm2CmR

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One more sketch before went off today.
Ship Engineering room

7 20

How a 19th-Century Phrase Inspired a 21st-Century Engineer to Take Up Art http://t.co/H0QjucoDEZ

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Leift Antonym, Izobel Vice's wetware engineer in "Metal" was named in honor of real life biohacker

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Silicon Valley engineer stopped taking photos and started http://t.co/0aNUa5xOgU

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"Engineered For Your Protection" - SOLD

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"Engineered For Your Protection" - SOLD

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The Engineer shores up his team's defenses with a shield and pulse turret on our new(ish) volcanic terrain

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