A graphic novel with near monochrome The Planet After Geoengineering is a compendium of remedial care that professes palliative care for the planet.

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Orice e posibil. Doar daca intri pe hashtag DEW, hashtag chemtrails ,sau hashtag geoengineering realizezi unde s-a ajuns....
Culmea nebuniei, militarii sa recunoasca ca au testat DEW montate pe avioane.
Se vede! casele cenusa, vegetatia ok.

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CIAの元協力者推奨の GeoEngineering Watch が作成した小冊子 "Climate Engineering Fact And Photo Summary” 日本でもこんな資料があればよいのですが。


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In 10 days is launching a special issue on Geoengineering + short documentary. Come to on 7/28 to learn about the rebirth of this radical scientists organisation - I'll be there!

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13! Weather control! Placed all around the land! NWO Weather weapons

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Here is taking a walk in a plane. But it's not real right? People are being censored for exposing opwakeup

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