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Pitit chat pitit pitit... Pour Westwindhowling, tout pleins de dessins de ce perso et j'aurais le droit à un hoodie ♥

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Chuck is at the Rio Grand Gorge all this week - a 30" x 36" plein air oil, its going to be wonderful when its done

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'Serendip Wetlands' painted In September I'll be painting a plein air every day.

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Early Morning Light 10x10" oil painted at Pt Supreme today!!

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La méditation de pleine conscience sauvera-t-elle nos enfants ? - Magazine Milk -

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Landscape watercolor drawing, ORIGINAL painting of green landscape in Berlin. Plein air watercolour, outdoors sketc…

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life is short, enjoy the ride

"Cruise Control" by Jeff Yeoman http://t.co/F8aL8k87Jw

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Karl Terry loves to paint en plein air - you can spot him locally every weekend! Just three of his fave spots....

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Autumn landscape, ORIGINAL watercolour plein air, outdoors drawing. Landscape watercolor painting by Catalina by CA…

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Wonderful color found in sun soaked old sheds. The summer in PA is gorgeous!

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Beach watercolour painting, atlantic North Spain, pleinair original life art seaside watercolor by Catalina by CATI…

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Here's the finished piece. Padre Dam
11x14 oil on panel

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Pine Woods ORIGINAL green landscape watercolor, outdoors painting Plein Air. Pine trees, country side sketch, 9…

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Park in Berlin, Landscape plein-air watercolor. ORIGINALoutdoors landscape painting by Catalina by CATILUSTRE (120.…

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