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Some sketches. J.I.D and Gohan

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Think this was posted before but anyways... Gohan's render.

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🔥 Gohan dans Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

32 186

Gohan x Videl
Great Saiyaman

6 20

That is true, but Goku is a full saiyan while Goten isn’t. Future Trunks looked like this at 14, hell even Cell Saga Gohan looked older

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Cela se rapproche, mais pas d'assemblage de carte, pas d’arrière plan, pas même position des personnage et un Gohan en SSJ.
tu n'as plus qu'a créer la version 90'

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Filtered digital Gohan in his classical blue gi work finished I was going to do a Ssj instead but base was right enough for this one hope you guys like it 🔥⁉️‼️💥✅👍🏾🤙🏾😎#gohan

3 17

Untuk penggemar hashtag foodporn, mono punya rekomendasi artbook yg foodporn banget!
Mao Momiji Doujin Artbook - Mao Momiji on Travel Instagram Gohan
Full color/A5/28 pages
Berisi ilustrasi kudapan2 khas asal Kyoto yg bisa membuatmu meneteskan air liur!
See reply:

10 18

Ultimate Gohan

Wanted to go for a darker atmosphere and a serious expression, hope you all enjoy!!

131 747

Gohan from DBZ

Requested by
Hope you like it ✨✨

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I totally forgot about posting the rest from this collage set now that I've finished it. Overall I this was my favorite out of all of them. I really liked this style of shading😁

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