NEW Drop
Disguise of chameleons in different ways

Kapom A limited series of 1,000 unique


23 28

I found this old Aeon art lying around my gallery, it would be a crime not to share it!😚🥴
P.S. If anyone want to write a little fanfic to describe this scene, feel free to do so! (Cause I wanna read it myself)

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At some point I imagined these two characters being parents, the drawings already have time, but I would like to share it here too.#ResidentEvil

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Puppy Leon's first day on the job, he's here to keep everyone safe🥰

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Prince of Leonster, Leif (Fire Emblem, Genealogy of the Holy War / Thracia 776)

My illustration for the charity zine. Leftover sales are still available.

153 489

Some sketches and scrapped things. Inteleons initial sketch and two different manectric designs. I eventually discarded the left one

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i cant tell if leons 1.5 casual outfit is camp or not
two versions (cropped/uncropped) because i hate how the hand on his elbow looks <3
and so on

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Meet Leif: Destined Scions from the Thracia 776 and Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War games. The princes of Leonster and Grannvale have joined forces to bring hope to a new generation.

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La dinámica fue todo un éxito! Alcanzamos a tener 15 inteleons y algunos más que llegaron después, pero definitivamente todos fueron muy geniales!!!

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today i have drawn several leons all with completely different energy

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Inteleons humanos hechos por , y yo

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Saindo as novas imagens eu me inspirei em ver como ficava com a aparencia do novo ator e gostei mais até do que o Leon que eu fiz primeiro kk

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