FIRST art on VS my RECENT one🤩
I'm so happy for myself 😂😂😂😂

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My body wants to thank me... Probably yours to

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IN YOU - Self
You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody. - Maya Angelou 
Give yourself the same love you give everyone else.

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Don't let anyone define you or your life but you!

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I made a poster based on s' quote. The digital painting is produced by Iffah Nizar (IG account) and the wording is written by me.

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Thank you for this ! theme 30 is and here my last drawing^^ A fast sketch tribute to fans community^^

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Remember to love yourself.
I made this a few years ago, and this whole emotions, are coming back. Fight, BE STRONG AGAINST YOURSELF.

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You can't hear me but I'm singing at the top of my voice Christina Aguileras You Are Beautiful! It's vastly out of tune, and shockingly screachy but godamit it's true, you are fucking beautiful and don't let anyone (or yourself) tell you otherwise 😘♥️

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