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Mutant Ape Yacht Club sold for 14.00 ETH ($22,852.34)

Previously sold for 16.25 ETH ($26,585.00)
Floor Price: 12.475


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...one of my all-time favorite comic book villains, plus there's a lot of fascinating queer themes you can derive from this issue like found-family between Rogue & Mystique, or Graydon Creed being a human who hates his two mutant parents...

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but are intercepted by Creed who reveals that he is not only Nightcrawler's step-brother, but that they are both Mystique's biological sons. She had abandoned Creed when she discovered that he was not a mutant, and she threw an infant Nightcrawler off a waterfall...

2 3

The issue's plot centers around Nightcrawler & Rogue investigating the assassination of a US general who sold weapons to the anti-mutant hate-group "the Friends of Humanity" and its leader Graydon Creed. They soon discover that Mystique killed the general...

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Most definitely now obsessed with the way they drew smiles in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

0 1

A journalist is saved by a giant submarine captained by a 200 year old man who takes him to an underwater paradise city where no one ages. That's when monsters and mutants sent by the captain's rival, a 200 year old scientist, attack.

1 10

I really cant get enough of these

this is some CRAZY SHIT!

3 12

濱 大二郎 ドローイングブック
2022年8月26日(金) 〜10月16日(日)

ライトシード・ギャラリーでは、オランダを拠点に活動するアーティスト、濱大二郎のドローイングブック『MUTANT 1 & 2』の出版を記念して個展「Telepathy」を開催いたします。

1 7

Mutant Ape# 119
Rarity: 4531
Sold for 2.0 $ETC ($65.96 USD)
Gas: 0.000243276 ETC ($0.00802 USD)

2 15

Mutant Ape# 9
Rarity: 7252
Sold for 3.78 $ETC ($124.93 USD)
Gas: 0.000243276 ETC ($0.00804 USD)

4 16

トム・パルマー、90年代アベンジャーズ誌に関わってたインカーさんか〜と思って参加作品見てたらこれもそうだった モンスター登場シーンとか大迫力で好きなんですよね

New Mutants (1983-1991)

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