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GF and I drew each other un some anyme genre style for christmass, she chose shoujo so I gave her this 💚 she pretty, i love her
✨Brite Bomber Mahou Shoujo✨
#Fortnite #FortniteArt #FortniteFanArt #FortniteConcept #ForntiteBR
@webtooncanvas If you like your Comedy Slice of life with a hint of BL, follow the adventure of CEO-san, a Shoujo Romance loving man, with his straight laced secretary, Hisho-kun! #webtoon #WebtoonCanvas #artistsontwitter #webcomic https://t.co/IavHNXliX6
BACK WITH THE OC/CANON SHIP THAT INVENTED TRUE LOVE! Done by the incredibly talented and wonderful @Gloomy_Chuu is a GORGEOUS shoujo commission of my twst OTP, Dire Crowley and my MC OC, Weiss Rozen, debuting her future dorm leader dress! SnowCrow lives again!! ♡
I did my drawing again!
#MayaKuro #KuroMaya #TendoMaya #TendouMaya #MayaTendo #MayaTendou #SaijouClaudine #SaijoClaudine
#RevueStarlight #スタリラ #真矢クロ #スタァライト
hello #KatawaShoujo, made another Lilly
and again #happybirthday
fun fact, used @kiwi_sunset as a model
“When you're hurt and scared for so long, the fear and pain turn to hate and the hate starts to change the world.”
~Dark Alessa from Silent Hill
#revolutionarygirlutena #shoujokakumeiutena #anthyhimemiya #fanart #witches #fantasyart #fantasy #darkfantasy #anime #utena
Hello! Studio Cocoon Production lagi membuka lowongan FULLTIME untuk Illustrator Shoujo nih~ 🙌
🔥 Illustrator Shoujo 🔥
yang berminat boleh langsung ke link disini ya :
**details info at reply
Been considering checking out shoujo anime/manga that I never got around to all these years (especially fantasy/magical girl stuff). Currently reading Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne (Phantom Thief Jeanne). Minor issues with the artstyle aside, I'm enjoying it so far!
9 anos de katawa shoujo, meuamigo
Como eu AMO essa merda desse jogo e o impacto que ele tem em mim é enorme.
Eu amo demais todas as heroínas (e shizune.) Mas sem sombra de dúvidas, hanako, rin e Misha são as minhas preferidas 💅🏾
CUTIE AND THE BEAST Vol. 2 | Yuhi Azumi | cute shoujo/shojo romcom about a professional wrestler and his biggest fan | $12.99 | January 26, 2021
happy birthday to #KatawaShoujo!
here's a Lilly in armor and small Hanako
Happy 9th anniversary to my first Visual Novel ever!!!!!!!!!
#KatawaShoujo will forever hold a special place in my heart no matter what I read. I hope more people continue to find and fall in love with such a special and unique VN
Катаве сегодня 9 лет. В первый раз я запустил ее где-то полгода назад. Прекрасная новелла, оставившая след в моем сердце, которую я обязательно прочту еще раз. Спасибо 4 leaf studois за этот шедевр.
9 years today.
You can't escape the feels. You'll never escape the feels.
My favorite VN.... ever.
9 years today !
Happy birthday to Katawa Shoujo, the game that saw me grow up. I came back to it every time I felt empty and sad, it brang me so much joy over the years !
Thank you @fourleafstudios @ksjpproject
And everyone in the KS community to keep this masterpiece alive !
A gente pode falar sobre como o Tio William de Candy Candy é basicamente o Char Aznable dos shoujo mangá???
#KatawaShoujo was released 9 years ago. I may have only gotten into it last year, but it was quite the experience for me.
Hanako best girl.