画質 高画質


If you have too much time on your hands, you can try some coloring pictures.😌

14 100

Чернобурка советует соблюдать карантин 🏠
Лисята, поделитесь, чем занимаетесь дома?
Для меня в общем ничего не изменилось, я итак домосед~


0 6

I deleted my original reply to make a proper post bc idk how twitter works and how all the cool kids DO.

Tagged by the mastermind herself

Most people I talk to got alread tagged by now so joke's on me I guess.

7 222

يوم ١٤ من الحجر الصحي 🍳
Quarantine life day 14

5 45

Cadence and The Beat are doing their part to and create! Music by me!

2 7

¿Y si hoy en vez de jugar solos jugamos con amigos?

10 13

Protect yourself and others
All information is reference to Hong Kong. I know some countries do not encourage healthy people to wear masks. In HK, people wears mask just want to protect themselves and their families. (Lessons from SARS in 2003.)

199 559