👑Comics of the Day from Six Chix 👑
Anyone else getting drained from these Zoom hangouts? 👀

Check out more Six Chix comics by on Comics Kingdom: https://t.co/17JemgylkH

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Day 75 of and
Charoite schist (Yakutia) with gorgeous examples of anastomosing, strain partitioning, strain solution.

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Day 69 of
It's GARNET day at
From Top left clockwise: Ronda, Spain: Taos, NM; Vizze valley, Italy; Vizze valley.

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So The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee stays home for his lab rat assistant Joules? What?!

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Day 61 of and
As simple as QUARTZ. From top left clockwise: Ocean Jasper (Madagascar); tectonite (eastern Alps); quartzite (Carboneras, Spain); Tiger's Eye (South Africa).

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for your selfless and tireless efforts to keep us safe amongst the pandemic. Will be for our brave warriors!

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家で「SOTUS」見て、ドラマの合間に の可愛い動画見て、G.W.を家で過ごしてみませんか?

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Day 39 of
BONUS SQUARED MICROGRAPHS of rocks, drinks and callus remover (!) Enjoy!

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Day 34 of
for me is basically
More and in
From top left clockwise: Cordierite; Pyroxene, Plagioclase; Kyanite. Enjoy!

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✨CK Special Comic by Sally Forth ✨

💭 Sally Forth's got some tips for you! 💌

Brought to you by Sally Forth's very own and


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Day 32 of
tweet 7 on (NG): some perspectives.
NG are a powerful novel tool to investigate in situ anatectic processes. And provide small volumes of primary melt that can be analysed. So far ...

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Day 29 of
tweet 6 on (NG).
As NG are crystallized melt inclusions, their provide a novel tool to analyse in situ the composition of natural crustal melts. They are "granite embryos"! But how can the melt composition be determined...

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