画質 高画質

Natalia Goncharova, Arkhistratig Mikhail (Archangel Michael) from Misticheskie obrazy voiny. 14 litografii (Mystical Images of War: Fourteen Lithographs), 1914 https://t.co/sNevdj5L5Q

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Paul Klee, Dying Plants (Sterbende Pflanzen), 1922 https://t.co/2fyNrm56OL

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Elaine de Kooning, Unused preparatory drawing for In Memory of My Feelings, 1967 https://t.co/j5P7XfK6sP

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The Ape David 65
Only art Only passion

What are you waiting for to get one of the David? 66 Nft all different, hand drawn Only for art lovers

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Oskar Kokoschka, Couples in Conversation (Paare im Gespräch) (in-text plate, folio 7) from Die träumenden Knaben (The Dreaming Boys), 1917 (executed 1907-08) https://t.co/sk0d5AUjW1

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