Back to pixilart >3>
~Angle Oc~
~La la la, what a pretty, sunny night~ Name: Lilly Age: ??? Gender: ~Girl~ ✨ // Oc is mine, art is also mine :] //

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Finished a drawing of and Zombie!

EDIT: His forehead looked to big so I fixed it >3>;

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Lilly working that croptop >3>

Queue Levi having an aneurysm in the bg~

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That Fila crop top hoodie challenge was way too much fun to pass up so bam have a Lilly~ >3>Cos she totally would

Also hoho there's a more nsfw version of this that I'll be sharing over on my other account <3<

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Srsly. i should get over this xD ahahah
Maybe i should draw something else instead of just drawing my Fairies all the time >3>
I LOVE both! i thought it a few times now, that they both are a cute couple..and i just wanted to have a Shoujo Ai couple .. so now i have one. i guess?

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서과장님의 <0513>이 오늘 출간되었습니다. 리디북스에서 읽으실 수 있습니다.
추첨을 통해 RT해주신 분 중 한 분께 등심꽃살 500g을 보내드립니다. **배송 상품이라 당첨된 분은 주소지를 알려주셔야 합니다.** 다음주 목요일인 9월 3일에 저녁 (8시예정)에 하겠습니다! 감사합니다!!

593 162

남은 수명 1년,
발현후 가이드 없이 버틴 무영은
첫사랑 권호와 매칭되는데.

"몸 관리 잘 하세요. 자주 보고 싶지 않으니까."

무영을 거부하는 권호의 마음은?

서과장 작가님의 BL <0513> 리디북스 출간!

RT 한분 커피 증정

506 83

RT 🍓 서과장 작가님의 <0513>이 리디북스에서 출간되었습니다~ 알티 추첨 두 분께 이북 1권, 멘션으로 전권 구매+별점 인증을 해주신 분 중 한 분을 뽑아 권호, 무영 키링을 드릴게요!

트친 한정 ❌
1차 BL계, 성인 인증 ⭕
당발 9/1

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2020 七夕圖


王一博 <這就是街舞3> EP6 造型
肖戰 <ROSEONLY> 代言形像照

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13>>23 yo me ✨

I only wore black and for some reason big bows? Now I’ve embraced a softer side of me

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Some pinup commissions over the past few months~ >3>

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First of the pinup series commissions~!
Kitty Satan >3> nya~ 😼

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Some fertility angel art for y'all~! >3>

Also yes he has a Jacobs ladder piercing ;P

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Me gustó el personaje,tanto que lo quise dibujar >3>💗

Espero te guste 🥺💕

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Rachel is a smart cookie-

...Most of the time >3>

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My half of a trade with , he wanted to see who’s meat was bigger after cumming. I like to think we tied >3>;

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Ohhhh I love tiefs, I have a few >3> (and far too many demon OCs)

Meet Erazmus, Lyric, Sanguine and Lyre =D (Lyre's half Eladrin & Sanguine's technically a changeling's alter-ego >_>)

Lyric & Lyre are bards, Raz & Sanguine are warlocks!

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MUSIC ON! TV(エムオン!)で昼1時から一挙放送します。

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