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In commemoration of the amazing chapter and color spread of One Piece this week, I’d like to show you something I willed into existence abt 10 years ago.
#onepiece #manga #shonenjump #shueisha #jinbe #luffy #strawhat #fanart #onepiecefanart #oldart #eichiirooda
Shueisha has now officially cancelled the publication of Act-Age
C’est donc confirmé : le manga Act-age est annulé par la Shueisha suite aux accusations contre le scénariste Tatsuya Matsuki !
L’éditeur précise qu’il fera tout pour soutenir Shiro Usazaki dans ses futurs projets.
En France, le tome 3 sortira le 27 août chez @ki_oon_Editions
Act-Age is featured on Shueisha Adnavi, company website page that offers cooperation to use Shueisha's intellectual property as advertisement medium. We already saw Act-Age's ad collaboration before with JVC. So what is next collaboration for Act-Age?
@jlist 1967: Speed Racer, also known as Mach GoGoGo (マッハGoGoGo), originally serialized in print in Shueisha's 1966 Shōnen Book. Adapted into anime by Tatsunoko Productions, its 52 episodes aired on Fuji TV from April 1967 to March 1968.
Shueisha conferma la data d'uscita in Giappone dell'edizione digitale per il Volume 7 della Color Edition del manga.
➡️ https://t.co/reADNMwNu5
Aunque la fecha real del estreno de One Piece en Japón fue el 19/07/1997, la fecha "oficial" de Shueisha es el 22 de Julio, así que... ¡¡¡Feliz 23er Aniversario One Piece / Happy 23rd Anniversary One Piece 🎊🎉🎂🎉🎊!!! #ONEPIECE #23周年 #23rdAnniversary #ONEPIECEの日 #ワンピの日
Portada del volumen 3 de "Madan no Ou to Seisen no Carnwenharn"
Dash X Bunko (Shueisha): 2020/8/25
Ok, even more color. I guess Shueisha (or at least Shounen Jump+, where this is currently serialized) started putting color in the volume releases. That's cool, tho I really wish it were the industry standard. Especially with digital sales overtaking physical.
@gaishionee 公式漫画アプリ(SHUEISHA Inc.)
Estrenos relevantes de Dash X Bunko (Shueisha) para el 25 de agosto de 2020!
• Madan no Ou to Seisen no Carnwenharn Vol.3
• Watashi ga Koibito ni Nareru Wake Naijan, Murimuri! Vol.2
• Ore wa Mada, Honki o Dashite Inai Vol.5
🐉 Dopo un mese di accese votazioni e un ulteriore mese di trepidante attesa, Shueisha ha annunciato i risultati finali della KAKAROT COLLECTION. Scopriamo qual è l'outfit secondario di Goku che l'anno prossimo diventerà un'esclusiva action figure.
🔗 https://t.co/NChV6XfHSa
Tras finalizar #ThePromisedNeverland ya conocemos el próximo trabajo de Posuka Demizu, que ya está trabajando en un "proyecto secreto" en colaboración con Line y Shueisha 😱
¿Cómo imagináis un título diseñado por la autora?👇
Shueisha's Natsucomi Promotional SNS Cards
· The Promised Neverland
· Kimetsu no Yaiba
Shueisha's summer festival 2020 (1 July-31 August) - Natsucomi 2020 - will begin soon, with photo contest to win book coupons worth 1,000 yen each!
If you buy Shueisha comic books, you'll get a random Instagram-like frame card of Shueisha characters
If Shueisha or Tv Tokyo decides that the series don't do well enough then they will drop it (cancelled). The only role Pierrot has in everything is agreeing to produce the show or not.
The BC anime is doing great, Shueisha doesn't care about the quaility of the anime all they want is that the anime keeps bringing good numbers, so if the anime keeps doing good Shueisha and Tv Tokyo will want the show to keep running.
Shueisha conferma la data d'uscita in Giappone anche per il Volume 6 della Color Edition del manga.
🔗 https://t.co/rKBNeJ5HXt