La censura è il primo passo per un paese che trattiene la creatività.

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Featured Artist of the Day!

Checkout their work and show some love ❤️ If you haven’t already, check out our sketchbooks at or on Amazon! -

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Featured Artist of the Day!

Checkout Katy’s work and show some love ❤️ If you haven’t already, check out our sketchbooks at or on Amazon! -

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Featured Artist of the Day!
Checkout Lorenzo’s work and show some love ❤️ If you haven’t already, check out our sketchbooks at or on Amazon!
Black Friday deal going on now! :)

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It's time to stop fucking around with our internet

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Featured Artist of the Day!

Checkout Sundust’s work and show some love ❤️ If you haven’t already, check out our sketchbooks at or on Amazon! -

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Featured Artist of the Day!

Checkout her work and show some love ❤️ If you haven’t already, check out our sketchbooks at or on Amazon! -

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Yo Yo Yo YouRiko!!

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Featured Artist of the Day!

Checkout their work and show some love ❤️ If you haven’t already, check out our sketchbooks at or on Amazon! -

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Um desenho que deu MUUUUITO mais trabalho do que realmente aparenta, ainda mais para mim que não tem tanto costume de colorir.
Pelo menos eu não demorei quase metade de um dia direto pra terminar de colorir que nem nas minhas primeiras vezes. Yay?

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¿El posible fin de YouTube (y de internet) como lo conocemos?

Tema es muy importante que nos afecta a todos, infórmate del avance de la propuesta de Ley de la EU (2016) sobre los derechos de autor.

Compártelo, todo cuenta.

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The story of watanabe yurika and yurita♀️♂️😂
Youriko lovechild 💕

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