My hand cant stop shaking when doing inktober
Digital tools pampered me alot.

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No problem. She can also be a dragon if need be
(Art by bigdad on fa. Colors by femtoampere on fa)

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Cidinha gets all pampered by Auguste in terms of food, so she ends with several favourites, but, at the end of the day, nothing beats the nostalgia and flavour of her mother's baked spaghetti. As for Auguste, his favourite dish before turning was duck a l'orange.

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Back from being pampered to death!
Come hang

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Käytiin katsomassa Tampereen Taidemuseon Osamu Tezuka - Mangan jumala -näyttely. Näyttelyn esittelyssä sitä ei mainita, mutta huomasinpa että teokset näköjään vaihtuvat 12.11.2019... joten taitaa tulla uusi keikka. 😁

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Played my first game as this guy! He swallowed a fish whole and made a fellow party member carry him bridal style. A pampered prince

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September - Vallance

A Prince; Vallance is a loner. He was brought up in isolation, so he's very unsure in social situations, and prefers to be alone for this reason. He's a bit of a pampered; prissy, and fussy Prince.

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Jyrki Liikka. Alivaltiosihteerin perustajajäsen, kirjoittaja, muusikko jne.

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Adwin is back! And he's all pampered and ready to set off on an adventure! (he's a big LoZ fan x3)

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What if Moira is not alone? What if there is another being, a human, reborn by artificial means? Someone tampered by mutants, bearing an ultimate hate towards them? Someone counter-acting Moira’s every move, on every life? Someone... Sinister?

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Pampered Paint Brush. Everything is luxurious, exaggerated, etc.

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And we're still going with Day 6 of Pampered's a bit of a stretch, but I don't have any ragdoll characters. So here's Sun Gazer, the blind shaman of the Tribe of Howling Wind.

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Been gaining followers out of nowhere lately .w.

Uhh... Hi, I'm Marcus/Marcy, pampered maid first class. Do expect ABDL, crossdress, bondage, and general deviance contents from me >w>

There will be no sexual activities or exposed genitals though, so you're safe on that front x3

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Tänään aukeaa Tampereen taidemuseon näyttely ”Osamu Tezuka - Mangan jumala”. Esillä on lähes 200 originaalipiirrosta ja Tezukan animea.

Näin avajaispäivänä näyttelyssä järjestetään Mangan yö -tapahtuma kello 18-24.

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Louie the cat loves being pampered. UwU
And he not afraid to bite.

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Rees-Mogg has suffered the fate of so many clever but pampered men: letting arrogance eat away at his intelligence like an acid bath, until all that's left are the dry bones of ignorance and self-regard.

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Couple more $55 tier Patreon rewards for Zeydaan and Ranfox!

First is Isabella the dragon getting perma-pampered (their lower half is TF'd/inflated into a huge perma rubber-filled diaper!)

Whilst Ranfox gets a stuffed magical makeover into a pretty sissified doll plush~

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My Neighbor Naruto - page 87 has been published on 😙

I’m not sure when the next page will be up: this weekend I’m attending Tracon in Tampere and the week(end) after I’m having a few days of “summer” holiday... But I'll keep you updated!

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