... hace que dejes de comer pero en otros te lleva a darte atracones. Siempre hay tiempo para bajar de peso después si la persona quiere, pero lo primero es sanar psicológicamente. Un poquito de empatía y paciencia, por favor.
Buenas noches ✨

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Tomorrow and Sunday I will be at Ultracon Cremona together with other good artists!
Come and see me to have a chat, see some original work (like this of the Thing of the Fantastic Four). I wait for you... 😉

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You will also find this sketch by (Black Widow) at my stand next weekend at Ultracon Cremona! I'll wait for you on January 14-15 in

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At Cremona you will find, besides me and other good artists, this Cyclops of the X-Men (watercolor on in A4 size).

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Next weekend, January 14-15, I will be present at at Cremona along with other good artists. Come visit me and you can see watercolor sketches like this and more. Don't miss it!

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Day 166!
Lot's of things to mention. First off, TraCon will be going on hiatus until 20.1.2023. so I can properly set up a backlog and finish some ongoing projects. Second, I'll still be active here like always, so here's Volume 4's cover!

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TraCon covers for anyone that's interested

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✨️A lil thread incoming!✨️

On Friday I cosplayed Violet from 's The Walking Dead!🧟‍♀️🔪💜

Thank you for taking some photos of me :3

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Hope all you pepos are enjoying your weekend! 🧡

I'll be attending to Tracon so no streams during con adventures! But there's already several streams & collabs planned for next week!!! Hope to see you and you funny browsing history soon again. 👉👈

🎨 @/LittleLythen

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Ainiin joo tracon line up, tänään oon omana itsenäni (pinkkimustat hiukset, pörrään taidekujalla n pöydällä auttaa tän perjantain).
Lauantaina meillä on kavereiden kaa pieni CSM ryhmä (oon Aki) ja sunnuntaina oon Fushiguro Megumina

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Hei conikansa!

Jos teillä on 1,5h coniaikaa ihan tyhjänä ni tulkaa joinaa mun sairaan nopeeseen ja värikkääseen Crash Pandas-ropeen! 🦝🚘🔥

Ilmoittautuminen Roolipelitiskillä toisen kerroksen Puistolämpiössä.

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FINALLY IM DONE WITH MY OUTFITS IRL SO HAVE THEM DRAWN NOW 😭😭💖 Please if you see me at DO COME SAY HI ;^;💖 Can't wait to meet you all!☆

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I'll be going to this weekend for all 3 days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm so excited to finally go to a convention. 😊

On Saturday I'll be cosplaying Hatsune Miku! 💚

🎨: @/Swanamii

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is almost here! I’ll be tabling at the artist alley on Friday and Saturday with and ! Table 7, see ya there! :3 ✨

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The token AA promo before the convention!
Babbys first time being on Art Alley alone and for two days :') Come say hi!

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For Sunday I’ll be cosplaying female tintin 🥳🎉 if you happen to see me don’t feel scared to come and say hi i personally am very talkative. I’ll also be there on Saturday but not in cosplay and only outside

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David Tennant as the 10th Doctor! Prints will premiere this Sunday at Tracon.

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