Big mood actually. I seriously just wish I didnt care about people so much. It's just so frustrating all the time. Or how people view me. I always try to be as likeable as I can and I know you cant appease everyone, but i still try, because I want people to enjoy themselves.

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>drkscord ls calms down
me: ok. i will rot in pease and quiet
>my static friends lit rally 2 seconds later:

0 12

🚨New girl alert!🚨

Lettuce is a super timid girl who inherited both a forest cottage AND the massive debt of her druid father who ticked off Mother Nature. Now she's forced to maintain a farm in order to appease the forest denizens.

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the thirsty graces fans have literally been appeased by this lesbian i'm GAY

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"The Lovegoods – wedding attire”

(Art by Tristyn Pease)

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DA HECK. Why is there a random danmei vibe from the latest ROS chapter??

“Pease do rise, sage younger brother.” Li Qitian lifted Pang Xiao with both hands and walked hand in hand to the front hall together.
- ROS 328

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【✨🌹!! SPECIAL LIVE 解禁 !!🌹✨】

2nd Single 『MEMORIA』Release
『PASS POINT』ダウンロード配信記念として

▼▼ 8/25(日) 広島CAVE-BE ▼▼

AINSEL ✕ MouthPease pre.

【⚡️🔥 NOW or NEVER 🔥⚡️】


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Until YT algorithm stops being crappy towards art youtubers (and I REFUSE to turn into a drama channel to apease it), you guys can see all my videos as stories on my Amino page!

I will be posting many of my timelapses, instructional and tutorial videos!

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I decided to test a new style while simultaneously drawing Mordred to appease the gacha gods

1 1

I played Passpartout by for the first time last night and WOW these people are picky. I actually kind of like these weird landscapes I made to appease the masses though!

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Keese King !!! 🦇 Old design tho, i might remove his locks of hair since it looks kinda weird lol. A bitey bat who attacks travelers at night~ (appeased by food!)

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BUT YES this is Alma and a Juggernaut behemoth! Alma has psychic powers diferent from the other tenno, like Telekinesis and the ability to understand, comunicate and appease the infested. H

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I’m only here to appease you, I physically CANNOT stop drawing these two dorks being in love

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Shamans are said to travel into the depths of the ocean to appease Sedna, Inuit goddess of the sea, mother of seals, otters and whales, to ensure good hunting. Frequently they attempt and gain favour by brushing her hair

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