Day-7 future 15年後くらいのイメージで

I’ve enjoyed being a part of this!

84 218

[#DIMIDUEWEEK / final day - colors] that's love baby! 💗

68 180

Dimidueweek 2020

Much dimidue was seen and were happy🥺💚💙
Thank you for seven days!

16 33

I didn't have time to really do anything for so this is what you get now. a dedue's work is never done....

68 95

Dimidueweek 2020

The smile of dimitri is more beautiful than a flower✨

48 78

Ahhh day 6! Cherished and flowers, just the most beautiful wedding ever. Sylvain cried 16 times.

115 226

Sharing a sweet moment 💕
I had to do at least one day of ☺️💕
Using the prompts ‘flowers’ and ‘family’ 💕

56 134

Day 6 of Family... A quick sketch of what could have been if Dedue's family wasn't destroyed: cooking with his lil' sis ❤️

4 9

[#DIMIDUEWEEK / day five - au] a love story starts with a tomato 🥰🍅

352 735

Dimidueweek 2020
Day5-alternate universe

Fairy tale AU💙 As dedue is very cute,I look good with a princess

36 78

Day 5: Alternative Universe

Modern au!

16 18

Dimidueweek 2020

Dimidue of verdant wind is sad…

38 80

[#DIMIDUEWEEK / day three - politics] "I wonder what the king and the counselor are whispering to each other..."

265 508

Dimidueweek 2020

I was impressed with decision and confession of dedue (;▽;)

3 3

[#DIMIDUEWEEK / day two - transition] a hair cut 💇‍♂️

552 1514

Dimidueweek 2020
Day2 redemption

I think about dimidue which was codependence

10 18

Dimidue Week Day 2: Redemption, Transitions.
“Touch me,” Dimitri said. “So I may remember him. So I may believe he is not dead.”
From Luxuries – a fic by

42 117


Thank you for this festival!

162 335

Dimidueweek 2020
Day1 cooking/longing

Thank you for a marvelous event💙🦁🐻

43 92