Izin Promosi kak.

Hallo kak saya sedang melakukan Open Order pembuatan Gambar Illustrasi nih, barangkali kakak minat dibuatkan Illustrasinya.
Bisa buat Hadiah atau apapun

Icon Sosmed

Yang berminat langsung DM jaa ya kak. Thankyou for Attantion

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Izin Promosi kak.

Hallo kak saya sedang melakukan Open Order pembuatan Gambar Illustrasi nih, barangkali kakak minat dibuatkan Illustrasinya.
Bisa buat Hadiah atau apapun

Icon Sosmed

Yang berminat langsung DM jaa ya kak. Thankyou for Attantion

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Izin Promosi kak.

Hallo kak saya sedang melakukan Open Order pembuatan Gambar Illustrasi nih, barangkali kakak minat dibuatkan Illustrasinya.
Bisa buat Hadiah atau apapun

Icon Sosmed

Yang berminat langsung DM jaa ya kak. Thankyou for Attantion

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5- Bandcamp Friday always goes like this: I fret over not coming up with anything to buy, then suddenly I’ve spent $60 :'D 6- Paraphrasing Robert Burns. I had a plan for everything I was gonna do around the house, but mostly I curled up all day.

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The wolf will eat you. His eyes are as grey as famine, they are as unkind as plague.

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Well these are the guys in question, they're kinda 'introduced' to someone and, "essentially replaced the brain, erasing all of the subject's personality and memory, but leaving the physical body alive and under the tadpole's control." Then...transformation into squid man!

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Here's My Oc I Don't Wanna Show My Avatar it's Emberrasing And I Joined Cause I Haven't Changed My Pfp In Months

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i love that yoshi isn't in this game and they tried erasing him from the title screen but seemingly gave up.. leaving a weird disembodied tail and boots

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What was on ’s post-it? “Writing is erasing.” ~ Lin Manuel Miranda. To find out what else, stop by https://t.co/rAM2MsYHrY And remember: if you post the cover of Peter Easter Frog (and copy ) you could win the

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THAT THESE these motherbeepers took ke like 5 tries to get them pretty, ;_; it was a lot of erasing and learning, nOW I SOUND LIKE AN ASSHOLE NOOOOOOOOOO

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//BNHA manga spoilers (hope that's the correct phrasing)
realized I haven't posted in ages so hi hello currently in BNHA brainrot since I caught up with the manga yesterday
wonder how Twitter's gonna crop these they're all different canvas sizes JXHZCJ

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My last piece for 🌼🌸
I combined the 2 prompts: sound and garden. A meadow with grasing cows is not really a garden, but close enough. And the sound of Gertrud reading poetry and the insects buzzing, and the wind in the leaves is just nice!

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"When I said 'Show me what it was like to be a slavegirl back in the ancient times,' I didn't mean literally."

Phrasing is important; especially when talking to immortals with nearly boundless power.

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the original gif exists, but redraw all the frames instead of just erasing the pantie😄

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Iya.. di WeTV semua ada itu. Paling gemes dan gak pake emosi tinggi itu yg chibi. Durasinya paling pendek pula.

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If your whole vibe as a videogamer is talking shit and harrasing game developers without giving proper feedback and insight as to what they could do better then you have a very smol pp and I have no respect for you

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Continuing with the doodles, have the game's version of Tawna, who is.... Aesthetically pleasing to look at. Yes. That's the tone and phrasing I am looking for. 

(she's a lesbian don't @ me hacktivision)

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