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“Appena il sole, il volto imporporato,
si congedò dalla piangente aurora,
s’affrettò Adone, gote rosa, a caccia; la caccia ama, l’amore lo deride.
Venere, ossessa, gli si getta addosso
e, spudorata, prende a corteggiarlo.”
O joyful day!
2nd Part King Henry 4th, A5, S3. #ShakespeareSunday
"To die, to sleep-
No more, and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to." ~ Hamlet (A3,S1).
#ShakespeareSunday #PeterParker
'Goodnight, sweet prince,
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!'
#ShakespeareSunday Hamlet
Se leggi questi versi, dimentica
la mano che li scrisse :
T'amo a tal punto
che non vorrei restar
nei tuoi dolci pensieri,
se il pensar a me ti facesse
#SalaLettura @SalaLettura
Jackass Rees Mogg really is a chancing goon. His Latin, he admits, is quotes borrowed from books of quotations, and now he quotes Iago, Shakespeare's most duplicitous villain, to defend assaults on his reputation. I'm thinking private schools are not providing value for money.
Our favorite version of Beast is the one who recites Shakespeare while kicking his enemies in the face. #XMen
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
― William Shakespeare.
A Good Monday ! - with Catherine Hyde,British artist.💙❄️😘👋
"I cannot sing, nor heel the high lavolt, nor sweeten talk, nor play at subtle games" ~ Troilus and Cressida.
#ShakespeareSunday #DieHard #Gaming
"How now, spirit! Whither wander you?" ~ A Midsummer Night's Dream (A2,S1).
#ShakespeareSunday #Vampirella
This ravenous tiger, this accursed devil. #ShakespeareSunday Titus Andronicus A5S3
"I can call spirits from the vasty deep."
"Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?"
- Henry IV, Part 1 (Act 3, Scene 1)
❄️🍂❄️"How like a winter hath my absence been
From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year!
What freezings have I felt, what dark days seen!
What old December's bareness everywhere!"
🤍Sonnet 97
"...tears of mine give light, Thou shinest in every tear that I do weep..." ~ Love's Labour's Lost (A4,S3).
#Shakespeare #JoséPepeGonzález #Vampirella #70s
#drawingwithADHD omg hello mythology and shakespeare are funny little things aren't they
little sketch while I'm watching much ado about nothing and crying with the party scene, never laughed so loud to shakespeare
This is John Everett Millais' amazing 1891 painting, Lear and Cordelia!! #Art #Fineart #Victorian #painting #Millais #Romanticism #lIterature #KingLear #Shakespeare #PreRaphaelite
“My age is as a lusty winter, frosty but kindly”
~ As You Like It, Act II, Scene 3 #ShakespeareSunday #Christmas
At Christmas I no more desire a rose than wish a snow in May's new fangled mirth..
#LoveLaboursLost #ShakespeareSunday #AndreEdouardMarty