画質 高画質

Este dibu lo hizo "Vay-demona", no se si tendra twitter o IG, solo recuerdo su deviantart (link se nota un poco)
Tenia este dibu hace bastante tiempo. Yo solo lo pinte, porque queria probar unos plumones que habia comprado (Faber Castell)
Y me encanto como hizo a Rouge

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A outfit idea to spruce up Dosey's purpose in Gee Whitty World

or should I say "Captain Caster"

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OSEA, COMO NO QUIERES QUE ME ENAMORE SI , ya no sólo para empezar le pones una paleta de colores que me flipa soberanamente y le pones la voz de Aura en castellano...SI ES QUE TAMBIEN ME LA CONVIERTES EN LA LUNA , CARIÑAA!?
Es que enserio, tu no sabes lo que amo yo a la luna...

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Playing Hollow Knight as we continue our adventure and see if we find that mysterious character that we've stumbled upon! ❤️ https://t.co/wXJvKHUCWH

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I finished this piece of Caster and I'm very happy with it. I love playing around with lighting!! I love my wörmįe so so much

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⚠️ ¡Blizzard habla sobre los últimos cambios realizados a Genji y Moira en el Modo Experimental!

Algunos de ellos finalmente no los veremos. ¡Conoce todos los detalles en castellano a través de nuestro artículo!

👉 https://t.co/6vz9SKRhHz

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Here's the Wookie that I play in my Tabletop Star Wars game, Jiova, a criminal enforcer for the Ashen Moon Syndicate, shockboxer, and her blades/bowcaster are made from the imperial ship she stole to free herself. Thanks to for the amazing sheet!

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El episodio 12 de Luminous ya está arriba! Ya lo checaste?

Link ➡️ https://t.co/n0VB2M4Ikp

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Izrail, fallen angel that remembers everything that happened before being casted out + doesn't understand why tf Lucifer abandoned them

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Had the opportunity to take shots of Avi from the podcast show! The Yorha caster top was trying to evade us but she finally managed to get it after blessings from RNGesus with her number 10 roll.
It was fun and rewarding!

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WIP of a song for Casted that plays in Cecil's stage lol
I did it ages ago but I'm messing with again
I 100% accept feedback idk what I'm doin

also if you're wondering why I just deleted this it's because for some stupid reason Twitter only posted half the video

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¡#TalesOfVesperia - Definitive Edition de para PS4 disponible en Amazon a 19,90€!

✔️ Textos en Castellano

PS4: https://t.co/7bvvnshZp6
XB1: https://t.co/sUQDJgq29S
Switch: https://t.co/ev7lI7Go00

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The Japanese say we have three faces. The one you show the world, the one you show to those close to you, such as family and friends, and lastly the face you only show to yourself.

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¡Bienvenid a la cuenta oficial de Twitter del proyecto Star☆Twinkle Precure en castellano!

Encuéntranos también en...
🌟 Facebook: https://t.co/hOAWQobxZe
🌟 YouTube: https://t.co/bdcaUPcboo
🌟 Web: https://t.co/CyN4G5dR3G

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ontem eu tava passeando pelos corredores lá do castelo e ouvi um "MIAUUUU CARALHO" me assustei pensando que era algo grave, aí abro a porta e me deparo com isso:

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(A black patch appears behind the caster and a pillar of dark water rises up from it, splitting in half to reveal Sherlock Alter smiling serenely.)

Hello, Archimedes.

(He glances to his doppelgänger and his smile morphs into a small sneer.)


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