Yellow: "I'll introduce a new doctor arriving on Dec. 11, 11:00 PM PT. It's Dr. Baby Rosalina! If you look reeeeally closely at that star thingy, it's actually a mirror. She uses it when checking inside her patients' mouths. Please go easy on me."

199 1329

Been working on this carnival moon design over the weekend. It was originally planned as a little wall art piece but I think it could also work on accessories such as a compact mirror.
For this design I followed some suggestions from Lilla

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25.) Jerah
Kitty Catto that has a personality disorder. He can‘t even recognize himself in the mirror.
Smiles 24/7 and jumps often from one spot to the other. His attention span is also really short. But he will always manage to drop into the right lap when he‘s exhausted >:3c

1 10

I, like most people - don't have a symmetrical face and often catch myself hating on the imperfections in the mirror. It's silly but low self-esteem doesn't go away overnight. If you are like me, I am here to tell you - YOUR FACE IS CUTE AND I LOVE YOU!

291 1756

I Am Half-Sick of Shadows, Said the Lady of Shalott (1915) by J.W. Waterhouse (GB, 1849–1917). Pre-Raphaelite style. A scene from the Tennyson poem, Lady of Shalott. Lancelot's reflection is about to appear in the mirror. Note the lovers & also the shuttles that look like boats.

78 222

"There is always the other side of the mirror."

10 55

After watching the new Cats movie trailer, something awoke deep inside of me. I discovered a new way to draw cats. I discovered a new way to view myself. I discovered the man in the mirror. I accepted him for who he was, and for that, I became a better furson.

34 113

Did this pic for and , featuring who swore he would NEVER be caught in a kilt. 's handsome doggo is there too!


and I missed the picture because SOMEONE was busy prancing in front of the mirror. It was me.

28 151

I love the inclusion of the mirror...

Curse Of Strahd by Mike "Daarken" Lim

14 71

"Y-yo solo recuerdo..que el mato a mis amigos...A MI UNICA FAMILIA QUE ME QUEDABA,yo jurare que encontraré juro por bebé Milo y Vita que yo te encontraré"

Mañana sabrás mas

Bienvenido a

Inside the mirror.

(Dibujo echo por un amigo de amino uwu)

1 3

I Am Half-Sick of Shadows (1915) by J.W. Waterhouse (UK, 1849–1917). Our lady is confined in her tower, viewing the world outside only through reflections in the mirror. Note the loom shuttles look like boats, a foreshadowing of her watery death.

82 220


Eisoptrophobia - fear of mirrors or seeing one's reflection in a mirror.
The one I was waiting for so long is finally here! It took a while to make it and I'm proud of the results! This is just a little headcanon of mine towards Manny.

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💖🌼💖 On the other side of the mirror... 🌔💫🌖🌟🤗

3 11

Don't look in the mirror. If you see Her, He's coming. She's an Omen. Run.

5 4

“Bander's Friday”, after working overtime on Friday night, bander sneaked into the company's bathroom and snapped a tired smile in the mirror. "The hard week is finally over."

Original size here:

658 2858

Day 18: Willow-the-Whisp 👻
My interpretation is more of a spirit bear/ghost thing than a Willow-the-Whisp. My topic today is mirrors. It was said that at Halloween, a woman could see the shadowy reflection of her future spouse in the mirror.
Which is kind of creepy.

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