Some svstfoe doodles

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Redesign Vs. First desing (90% Lucitor Vs. 90% Butterfly).

Yup, Iong time ago I used to have a fanchild for Star and Tom. Her name was Andromeda. She was my first Oc, and now she brings me such a big nostalgia... 🌨️🌤️☀️

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Au lycée je m'étais même fabriqué son serre-tête à cornes pasque je trouvais ça incroyable de swag
Star Butterfly de ou pour les intimes >:)

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SvsTFOE Tubbo!! 🐝✨✨💫
’s tubbo as cartoon characters series is vv cute, thank you for letting me draw him 🙏

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Princess Marco Turdina, I have never draw traps (don't know how to draw dicks) ... but doing a rule 63 I can do that!, so here it is!
Here' your princess!

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Cursed Prince en version Star vs the forces of evil 🙃,Estaba viendo stars vs las fuerzas del mal y estaba dibujando mis pesonajes de fantacia y quize dibujarlos como SVSTFOE.

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Se sintió super nostálgico hacer este, dado que yo era muy activa en el fandom de SVSTFOE

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New illustration right after seeing the season final of this wonderful show.
Thank you, Star Butterfly 💜⭐️🦋
I will probably drawing other characters of the show 😉

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"Aren't you something to admire? Cause your shine is something like a mirror.
And I can't help but notice
you reflect in this heart of mine. If you ever feel alone
and the glare makes me hard to find just know that I'm always parallel on the other side..."

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