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Aproveitando o hype de e gostaria de lembrar a primeira aparição dos deuses gregos na Há 25 anos atrás, em 27/06/1997, nós não diríamos que era paixão para esse filme animado. De Zero a Herói, com vocês,

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🗓 Julho está batendo na porta, e junto com ele vários lançamentos!

- VOL. 2 (01/07)
- (07/07)
- Resident Evil (14/07)
- Green Lantern: Beware My Power (26/07)
- (28/07)

Além dos próximos episódios de

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Chris Hemsworth na premiere de em Sydney, na Austrália.

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Retrouvez le youtubeur et le plus grand fan de pour un débat autour des adaptations cinématographiques du héros divin !

RDV le samedi 9 juillet 😊

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"Come we burn daylight" ~ Romeo and Juliet (A1,A4).

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pretty happy with how this came out. Colored the whole thing myself for like, the first time ever.

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I keep randomly thinking about & and cracking up. So freaking hilarious 😂

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“Personally, I was like, ‘Oh, how are we to top that [Thor: Ragnarok]?’ You know, is it possible to top that? We did. This film is bigger and deals with the bigger themes, human themes, it’s emotional. I couldn’t be happier.” - Taika Waititi talking about

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Taika Waititi believes tops ‘Thor: Ragnarok’.

“This film is bigger and deals with the bigger themes, human themes, it’s emotional. I couldn’t be happier.”

(Source: https://t.co/PRxw5ybMYV)

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