"I’m just trying to remember that people don’t need me to fix them. They’re not broken. What they need is for me to present with them. To be with them—to listen—without the need to do anything." ~Becki Sams

What true empathy is (and isn’t): https://t.co/sLUuc6Qbjx

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어제의 경수버블 덕분에 다들 월요병 없으시죠~
좋은 일만 파바바박~ 들어오는 새로운 한 주 되시길요!!

물론, 울 경수에게 제일 많이 들어오기를. 으흣~


126 383

Teleryn has a big one. Her sense of righteousness overcomes her empathy, and a lot of it is based on resentment. And it really colors her views on Blood Elves.

0 4


(내게는) 오후만 있던 금요일. 🥲
다들 주말 잘 보내세요~

울 경수는 주말도 없이 바쁘게 촬영 중이겠네.
경수야, 따듯하게 입고 맛난 거 많이 먹으면서 촬영 해~
아프면 안된당~^^


171 418


세상에서 제일 부러운 강아지들,
경수네 후추와 먹물이~

(먹물이는 옛날에 그린 거;;; )


105 280

‘The fox is cool and not afraid to flex, but don’t be fooled, we ain’t flexing materialistic stuff over here, we flex kindness, empathy and patience’

2 50

那ナギ!Grown empathy 5周年おめでとうございます💛💛✨

5 12


우리 경수가 흐르듯 살아도 괜찮댔어요.
늘 자신에게 안부를 묻고 토닥여 주라고도 했죠.

모두에게 그런 한 주가 되길 바랄게요.

됴모닝~!! ^^


126 280

Natsuki Yoshi "Nacho": Paulin best friend. Her superpowers are patience and empathy. She tries to understand and help Lin whe it comes back.
Joe Silva: Chilean dude, otaku parents, foul-mouthed, short temper, good with friends. Takes care of Lin when is near or when remembers it.

0 0

An inspiring is a must for any reading plan really does give children superpowers, improving their in every subject — it's also great for

3 6

I've been watching a lot more magical girl shows this year than ever before and, honestly, I've enjoyed my anime watching experience more this year than most other years! A lot of them focus on empathy which is an important theme to me! I love this genre so much!

5 30


주말 잘 보내세요, 녀러분~
주말 잘 보내, 경수야~

아. 오늘부터 다시 촬영인가?
촬영도 무사히 잘하고, 맛난 것도 많이 먹고,
즐겁고 행복한 나날이길. ^^

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Asahiru Tadone.


She’ll ruin your life with a smile, she has little to no empathy for anyone and will casually commit lewd acts.

Ask about her stuffed animal? Expect to be either in the ground, or on your knees.

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second post of the day!!

elphelt valentine is a girlflux , girlthing , lovegender , cupidgender sapphic bisexual whos pronouns are she/he/love/cupid/rose !!

love is also autistic w/ hyperempathy & fixates on weddings !!

7 13

Talos the ancient bronze robot portrayed with empathy
audiobook narrated by me = perfect gift for holidays

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