画質 高画質

I spent a LOT of time working on anatomy and perfecting my palette over the past 3 years.

The first one is a mess. The head is in the wrong place, the face is too big, the tail isnt foreshortened correctly, the shading doesn’t make sense…

The second is Clementine 🧡 https://t.co/hENkuAdyOE

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Com for dear Kuubi on IG, Loved every minute spent on this piece 💜

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The canine urge to wear collars persists even when Tabby💛 puts her and her sisters in the skimpiest bikini imaginable 🐶🐶🐶
Would you attach a leash between their big, fluffy cleavage and take them on walkies if they were wearing this?~

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From the mind of illustrator Julius Tan is a world full of extremes: extra cute, ultra big, super small, really wide and uber tall! Find elves, starships, furry friends, and giant robots to tell your next story on Storybird!


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8. "Türchen"
Nähere Infos zum Adventskalender siehe Türchen 1!

Als achtes das chinesische Tierkreiszeichen Schlange als Konzeptskizze. Das Design ist noch nicht final.
Hier bin ich mit den Farben noch etwas unschlüssig, es gibt so viele coole Schlangenarten und Farben XDD

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Got cleaner in doin hair and eyes ig, also finally have bgs now lmao https://t.co/AeBSohZbvd

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90k. That’s big, congrats. That’s for hosting a

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improvement on my cringe fe persona ig,, less frills and ribbons (we'll save it for overclass)

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DREAM BIG, a fashion 'zine with dozens of contributors. I am one of them!
You can read it here: https://t.co/iollTCldU5

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That's right!! Tell it to em' lil buddy~!! (●´ω`●)

Tiny or Big, ya'll are all equally fabulous~ <3

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A wingit commission for S.E.S.S.I.!
I think I got a bit inspired by Mylafox and her contrast in values! I used to love drawing big, expressive eyes and I should definitely do close ups more~

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Big congrats to on voicing Gullveig, the newest baddie in Book VII .

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我和rigger 研究了跟蹤鼠標的指南針魔法陣(Vtuber:)!😍
Live2d一條龍開放中 有興趣請私聊!
A magic Compass circle that can track the mouse
If you are interested in our art+rig, Please send us a DM

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I want some crackers,
And I want some candy;
I think a box of chocolates
Would come in handy;
And, oh! Father Christmas, if you love me at all,
Bring me a big, red India-rubber ball!” ~A.A.Milne

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Good night 🌙

Your voice is exactly that, YOURS.

Sweet dreams, dream big, and rest big.

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Christmas is coming, so it is a good time to repost this Kiara with a big, human-filled gut.

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Pagiiii~ yang butuh desain gambar illustrasi cute untuk couple, untuk hadiah ulang tahun, untuk wisuda, yang butuh desain feeds ig, desain filter instagram, dan desain logo, bisa dm or mention, untuk fast respond bisa wa di linktree

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