WIP Leon keychain. Eyes without highlight look scary. I think this Leon gonna haunt me in my nightmares haha

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And another wip~
Flat colors have been applied! Time to start rendering 8D

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Didn't get to clean as much as I like today, so that will be done along with very minimum highlighting. But my coworker is returning next week, so I'll have more time to actually work on things.

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Read a review of a cool movie where the creatures were nude supermodels. Boring as shit.
Made a design based around the brain musings that disappointment created: nymphs who wear leather made of human skin and the bones of their enemies.

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One of my coworkers lost a relative, so I've been bog deep in work shit. As such, I've just been able to get to shading today. I went with pure black, but tried for a line technique to help make it stand out.

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A wip of something yet to come... I need to re do the hair but I like it so far

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The battle of the variants has ended in favor of the red line team, so here's the finalized version. It just adds that right amount of visual interest and reminds me of how I did the on paper piece that inspired it.

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Shading of both variants done. I've worked myself into a hard decision here:what to upload. I love both, but that red line work just pops in the right way to appeal to me more.

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And I just now realize that two goth ladies in black wasn't really a good idea for a mashup... whoops. 😹 Oh well, sexy Elvira in pinstripes 2.0 it is. And just for the fun of it, a red lined dress variant.

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And done, need to cleanup a few odds and ends and then I'll post this design for sale on my redbubble page. Next piece I'll start working on this weekend, Need to take a day to get some online shops updated tomorrow.

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And shading done. I want to bring my strength in line art and black and white to the next one, so I gotta think about that one for a bit. Elvira Pinup? Morticia Addams? A Mashup? That last one sounds fun.

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