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新しいMacOSのCatalinaが出てipadのSidecarが出来る!!と思った反面、Dragon frame含め今使ってるソフトが全部動くのか‥?と葛藤が始まってます。
升級 Catalina 之後,就跟著蘋果從 bash 移往 zsh 好了⋯⋯
超簡單!十分鐘打造漂亮又好用的 zsh command line 環境 https://t.co/QwjbAObzSM
#MacOS #外国人の彼女ができました
macOS Wizards and Pirates, we have an important announcement regarding the upcoming 'Catalina' macOS update. If your game is installed on a Mac computer, please read: https://t.co/qIRgCfXL2X #Wizard101 #Pirate101
macOS Catalinaで追加される7枚の美しい壁紙 #Apple #写真 #Mac #壁紙 #ベータ #macOS #macOSCatalina https://t.co/GhA0qA6e0w
DeGrazia created hundreds of oil paintings, watercolors, and drawings that were inspired by his love of horses. #TedDeGrazia #DeGrazia #GalleryInTheSunMuseum #Museum #Gallery #NationalHistoricDistrict #Tucson #Arizona #AZ #SantaCatalinas #Desert #Painting #WildHorses #Horses
macOS Catalina will be incompatible with much of your music software; here's what to know https://t.co/3guEuJ72mJ
La digitalización de 30 obras medievales en 360º, en colaboración con @ACCIONA, ha incluido piezas muy diversas, como esta estatua de Santa Catalina en actitud triunfante de finales del siglo XV tallada en madera y policromada. https://t.co/iTHloP3Vaj
Upon request here is a photo of DeGrazia's “Virgo” from his Zodiac Series. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do! #TedDeGrazia #DeGrazia #GalleryInTheSunMuseum #NationalHistoricDistrict #Tucson #Arizona #AZ #SantaCatalinas #Desert #OilPainting #Zodiac #Virgo #Maiden #Angels