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I tried to conceptualize Doraemon. Then I found that it had something in common with Donald Duck's conceptualization.


21 174

El mes de septiembre para Doraemon ha sido tanto su nacimiento y también de algunas desgracias en su vida, "Noramyako" se burla de Doraemon por no tener orejas ocurrió el 02 de septiembre de 2122 (manga,1980,1995 y 2019).

2 8

I'm sorry but i can't unsee it

Kim Mingyu 🤝 Doraemon

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Doraemon isn't necessarily the type to battle, but this time is different!

Now suited with one of his gadgets, he takes a step into the battle. He doesn't know who he'll face, but he'll just have to wait and see!

Doraemon has entered the battle!

2 5

Vi a ...
Como me daba miedo hablarle...
Saque una hoja y unos crayoles de mi bolso (el bolso de Doraemon Ö digo ejem...)
Y empeze a dibujarla...

Quise darle el dibujo pero...
El dibujo quedo chafa
Bueno, lo intente 😔|


4 106

อยากหลับตาอยู่อย่างนั้น ทำอยู่อย่างนั้น
Cr.ภาพจาก Doraemon

11557 2205



8 26

Hoy por 21:40h Doraemon Aventura en la Antártida 映画ドラもん のび太の南極カチコチ大冒険

2 7

I forgot to color Gura's hair thingy... because I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

Reference is Doraemon and Time Travel Tondekeman (Time Quest)

Ame has three time machine thingy's here..

2 2

Nzksns, dibujo mayormente cosas que me gustan como Doraemon y aveces oc's, pero mayormente estoy derramando mi amor por Doraemon por todos lados dibujando xd
@/quien sea, o quien quiera hacerlo xD
Me da vergüenza mencionar NDJXJD 👉👈 https://t.co/QKVWN9IUIf

2 11

Peter and in really reminds me of Nobita and Doraemon XDDD

10 20

Humanoid robots are so overrated. What's my Doraemon

0 4

Don't ask me why Irwind blushes here.. well you know, Doraemon is a high technology production, now Irwind can study him for a very long time. 😏😚

ps.. Doraemon is my childhood.. wanted to tickle him for so many years. I'm glad someone finally requested him. ^3^

2 37

Done this a while ago so yeah Doraemon 1973 frame redraw.

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