(#FANART) 22.05.18 - 💛💚💕💜

cr: 超级无敌CHAI 🌱

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today I decided to get real crazy and draw something completely different and new ulike anything I have ever drawn before and really expand my horizons


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Sorry to hear that you had to cancel the tour.
But, I finally got scans of my illustrations and the difference from the iPhone photos is amazing! Please enjoy.

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The default expression for a person working in IT Support and my new profile pic

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Really think would be a spectacular Rosalind for this generation for by - spread her wonderful magic into the other realms of theatre! 🎭

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Σ(゚//Д///゚;≡`゚///д//゚) I AM SO OVERWHELMED WITH SO MANY FEELINGS RIGHT NOW! there is so much to say but for now THANK YOU FOR CREATING DARK HEAVEN YOU ARE THE BEST AND I MEAN IT WITH ALL MY HEART IhopeyoulikethisSimon (∗∕ ∕•̥̥̥̥∕ω∕•̥̥̥̥∕)

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Happy B-day, !^^ Hope you had a great one!:)

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ok im not saying im a zombie but if i was thisd probably be what id go 4

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Pa´l pinche que me pidió a sus morritos juntos (delasdosmanerasithink(?),
I hopeyoulike it alv(?

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오늘 기광버스는 홍대 합정 부근 운행합니다!!
오늘도 힘내서 달리고 힘내서 스트리밍도 돌려봅시다! 👏👏👏

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