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Oil Paintings available for sale
DM or email (properartist.com) if interested

RTs appreciated

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Art of Silk, because she's just P E R F E C T I O N

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WandaVision... in Filipino. WandaVision is wrapping up. The Marvel Team-ups transitions to the theme of AI, Androids, and Robots. How dramatic (and weird) would a Filipino Scarlet Witch and Vision TV series be?

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commission color work done for a private collector. 🎨🙌🤙 As usual, Lines and ideas by . Inks by Chance Wolf. Colors by Yours Truly.

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SO COOL!!!!!!
Variant Cover for Marvel's Heroes Reborn releasing May 5th
(Thanks it's beautiful!!)

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T is for Talisman - Alpha Flight’s Sarcee sorceress of sorts. Slight homage to John Byrne’s cover to Alpha Flight 19 (3rd pic)

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"The Birth of Scarlet Witch"

8hrs workflow
Huion Kamvas 13pro
Inspired by the birth of Venus

Follow me on instagram : https://t.co/mAPTUd3ss5

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